The Unseen Effects: Assessing Zia's Socio-Economic Policies in Pakistan


  • Zahid Ahmed Assistant Professor, Faculty of Multi-disciplinary Studies, National University of Medical Sciences, Rawalpindi, Punjab, Pakistan. Author



Zia-ul-Haq, Sectarianism, Extremism, Nizam-i-Mustafa, Shariah Legislation, Federal Shariah Court's Ushr Ordinance


Most of Pakistani society is segregated by ethnicity and driven by sectarian warfare. The problem harms society economically, politically, and socially. Pakistan is plagued by religious extremism. The issue has become the toughest. Pakistani Islam was deeply ingrained, but power politics, radical militarization, and political use of Islam fostered its militant expression. Zia-ul-Haq radicalized Pakistani society to build his dictatorial dictatorship. This study investigates the multiple repercussions of Zia ul Haq's socio-economic and political developments in Pakistan, focusing on Islamization. Nizam-i-Mustafa, Shariah legislation, and the Federal Shariah Court's role in reconciling Pakistan's diverse populace are examined in the study. The paper explores how these measures affect women, ethnic groups, and the judiciary. Zia's economic initiatives, including interest-free banking, Zakat, and Ushr Ordinance, are examined for Islamicity and economic impact. The study also explores political effects, highlighting public discontent in sectarian violence-affected areas. It also investigates how extremism claims have affected Pakistan's global standing. The study illuminates how religion and politics affected Pakistan's socio-political climate during Zia ul Haq.


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How to Cite

Ahmed, Z. (2023). The Unseen Effects: Assessing Zia’s Socio-Economic Policies in Pakistan. The Regional Tribune, 2(1), 31-41.