Aims and Scope


  1. The main aim of THE REGIONAL TRIBUNE (TRT) is to promote and advance the field of regional research studies. We seek to contribute to the development and expansion of knowledge in this interdisciplinary field.
  2. TRT aims to facilitate collaboration among scholars, researchers, and experts from various disciplines who are interested in regional studies. By providing a platform for interdisciplinary dialogue, we encourage the exchange of ideas and innovative approaches to regional research.
  3. TRT aims to cover a wide range of regional topics, including geography, economics, sociology, political science, cultural studies, environmental studies, and urban planning. Our objective is to provide a holistic understanding of the complexities and dynamics that shape specific regions.
  4. TRT is committed to maintaining the highest standards of academic integrity and quality. We employ a rigorous peer-review process to ensure that all published articles meet these standards. By promoting high-quality research, we contribute to the advancement of regional studies as a scholarly discipline.
  5. TRT aims to reach a diverse audience, including academics, policymakers, professionals, and the general public. By making research accessible and engaging, we bridge the gap between academia and society, fostering a better understanding of regional issues and their relevance in today's world.
  6. TRT is committed to nurturing and supporting early career researchers in the field of regional studies. We provide a platform for them to showcase their work and gain recognition, fostering their professional development and contributing to the future of regional research.


  1. To promote and advance the field of regional research studies.
  2. To foster interdisciplinary collaboration among scholars, researchers, and experts in regional studies.
  3. To provide comprehensive coverage of regional issues across various disciplines, including geography, economics, sociology, political science, cultural studies, environmental studies, and urban planning.
  4. To promote high-quality and rigorous research in the field of regional studies.
  5. To disseminate research findings to a wide audience, including academics, policymakers, professionals, and the general public.
  6. To support and encourage early career researchers in the field of regional studies.


At THE REGIONAL TRIBUNE (TRT), our journal covers a broad spectrum of regional research studies, encompassing various disciplines and aspects of regional development. Our scope aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of the complexities and interconnectedness of regional phenomena, fostering interdisciplinary dialogue and collaboration among scholars and professionals.

The following are the primary areas of focus within our scope:

  1. Economics: We welcome research that examines regional economic growth, development, and policies, including topics such as industrialization, trade, investment, entrepreneurship, and labor markets.
  2. Geography: Studies exploring regional geography, including spatial analysis, landscape, and environmental issues, are encouraged. This includes research on natural resources, urbanization, and regional planning.
  3. Sociology: We encourage submissions that delve into social aspects of regional development, such as demographics, cultural identity, social capital, migration, and community dynamics.
  4. Politics: Research on regional politics, governance, and public policies is welcome, including studies on decentralization, power dynamics, and the role of institutions in shaping regional development.
  5. Environment: We invite contributions that focus on environmental issues, such as climate change, natural disasters, resource management, and sustainable development.
  6. Urban Planning: Research on urbanization, urban design, infrastructure, and sustainable urban development is within our scope, aiming to promote better-planned and inclusive cities.
  7. Other Related Disciplines: We also welcome research from disciplines such as anthropology, history, psychology, and public health, as long as they contribute to a deeper understanding of regional dynamics and development.

We encourage submissions that offer fresh perspectives, innovative ideas, and evidence-based insights to contribute to the advancement of regional knowledge and informed decision-making.